do not charge recursive fee. All transactions are initiated by user also we do not save any billing related data.

Services: has right to change price,product and validity of any service at any time.

Refund Process:

We will provide refund only when our service not work for more than 3 days. There will be no refund if your account get ban or you do not use our service. Also, there will be no refund if our tool limits get ended, you have to wait till limit refresh again.

Account Ban:

If user shares his/her account details with other people, then has right to permanently ban user account without any notification. Multiple logins from same IP (using proxy or same ISP) in same day can result account suspension.

Notification: never allow accessing our website source code, reverse engineering on our extension/website. never allow to use cookies manager extension if you want to use then remove our extension and logout from
There no refund if you contact after 30 days on order placement date. Don’t matter you not received product or your account is not active or you not able to use. required Anydesk or Teamviewer for Technical Support

Testing/Beta Tools : has rights to send you notification via Email / SMS to your registered number/email regarding new offers or for other information purpose.

Important: has rights to change any beta tools and remove and replace etc and no support available on beta tools because of we already testing on it so if you want to drop your issue feedback then using your dashboard feedback option.If you want to purchase our services just for beta tools is totally on your own risk because we also testing on these tools so no uptime guarantee and no refund available for beta tools


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